Every year Micah’s aunt gives us (among other things) a new calendar for Christmas. As I was replacing the old one with the new one for the coming year, I paused for a while to look through what I’d written on the pages of 2011. It has truly been quite a year! I’ve witnessed and participated in tragedy and triumph, some sadness and much celebration.

The year started off with much promise, as everyone wondered what it held in store. We heard the groans of creation rather quickly when we watched the footage of the earthquake and tsunami in Japan in January. Prayers and help came from around the globe as their situation seemed unfathomable for us all. Record snowfalls in the early months of the year allowed for a great deal of snow days. For me personally, I was able to complete my latest cd, WHAT THE LORD HAS DONE. God proved Himself faithful time and time again during that process, always giving me the people to help and encourage me when I needed it most. Springtime brought graduations to celebrate – especially that of our son, Kendrick, from kindergarten. In the midst of all the student accomplishments we were thrown into rescue, recovery & rebuilding efforts from the monstrous tornados that ravaged towns like Joplin, MO and numerous others across the United States. Many of us had never seen such devastation and hope never to again. For the first time the tragedy happened in our backyard and if it wasn’t us personally it was our neighbors, friends or family members that were the ones needing help. Of course time doesn’t stand still and thankfully life goes on. Micah and I celebrated our 15 year anniversary in June. Summertime brought its usual hot temperatures and fun in the sun. As it drew to an end, school started again with new friends and a new focus. Sports started back up and we watched our son’s flag football team go undefeated and finish the season as the champs. We’ve celebrated birthdays and attended a few funerals. Then Thanksgiving and Christmas came and went and now we find ourselves poised on the threshold of another new year.

Even as I looked back at the tragedies of this year, I didn’t have any sense of contempt for what has happened. Don’t get me wrong – I do wish those horrible events hadn’t occurred and lives hadn’t been lost. But my wishing can’t change the past. In those trials we faced, I witnessed something even more amazing. I saw the kingdom of God in operation.

God uses three vehicles to advance His kingdom: the individual, the family and the church. As He works in us and through us individually, not only are we changed but His government increases through the things we influence, like our jobs or schools. Most importantly, as He changes us, our families are then changed too and the spheres of influence keep growing. From there, our changed families result in our changed local churches which continue the process by reaching out to our communities, nations and the world. This is the true “act of God”, when the body of Christ joins together and perpetuates His life into the earth (not some natural disaster like the world would try to define it).

Having the kingdom of God active in my individual life, my family and my church has been what has made this year worth celebrating and not forgetting. It was God’s strength, faithfulness, forgiveness, love, protection, provision, purposes that kept us all. Like when our whole church celebrated as a beloved couple in our church moved into their new home which was rebuilt where the tornado had ripped their old one away…it was almost as awesome as when we had found out they were still alive that night of May 22. It was the simple joy we felt as a family when we rode home after the flag football championship in our shoe-polish-decorated car as our smiling boy sat with a gold medal around his neck. It was that humbling sense of accomplishment I had when I held the finished CD in my hand, knowing I couldn’t and didn’t do it alone, but God had made it all possible. It’s that life of God inside that makes every day life turn into “life more abundantly” that God has desired for us. If I didn’t have that abundant life inside I could very easily kick this year to the curb in a heartbeat. But, seeing my God & King revealed in all things small and HUGE in life changes my focus off of me.

So as you do your year-end calendar review for 2011, I challenge you to change your focus from the simple events that happened to how your King and Savior showed Himself to and through you, your family and your church this past year. And when you hang up your new calendar for 2012, make sure you look forward in expectancy to see His kingdom advance and not in the rear-view mirror. Just remember, you are the initiating vehicle. The keys are in the ignition and the throttle is in your hand. You are the one that makes the difference…SO LET’S ROLL! 


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